Saturday, 26 October 2013

59 sleeps til christmas eve & a madhatter's tea party!!

So me & the kids have been discussing WHAT we are going to do this year for their birthday's, my kids were all planned but we didn't actually think about when they'd get here, I have kaci's birthday the 10th & mikey's birthday the 11th of November!! & the corey-max's birthday the 15th of December, so yeah lots of planning needs to be done in this slade household!!
This is what my daughter has chosen to wear for her MAD HATTER'S tea party its a lovely costume, not your "traditional alice" but in the tim burton film she wear's very materialistic dresses anyway so this one is a mixture of your more "modern alice" & the mad hatter, I do LOVE that hat!!!
happy day's
Sarah xx


  1. Fab costume! Wow, all those birthdays mixed in with the holidays - enjoy the ride!

    1. thanks sherry, I love this time of the year for all these reasons hehe

  2. Just came over from two peas :) I too have many birthdays coming up in November. I love the idea of a Mad Hatter tea party…

  3. Great costume! I like the party theme! :-)

    1. hi staci, im looking forward tothis mad hatters them would fit right in with this crazy lot here haha
