Tuesday, 28 August 2012

SomBoday StopMeeeeeaaaaaaaa

Envision me saying that with a huge grin on my face, in a green mask....no?? Okay a little hint would be jim carey....okay you must have it now!!

Anyway, i have just finished a week of full time work, 11 & a half hour shift's for 4 days running, & i let me tell you now they must have been putting suger or "something" in my tea because i survived it baby yeah!!!

They had seminar's for different people in work for 4 different day's, managment said they would throw us a pizza party at the end of it, on friday but we got scrag end left over's from what ever box had pizza left in it, yeah!! The carer's had first grab's even though all the kitchen staff did ALL the work, i was not happy about that let me tell you & our cook complained. It fell on deaf ear's *tut*

Anyway its no biggy i know i do my job & i do it well, so if they want to say ANYTHING they can, i know different!!

I am planning on a special themed halloween this year, i have already warned my husband what i am going to be doing weather he like's it or not!!...wanna hint? okay

Now i gotta tell you that i did pinch this photo from the pinterest site & yet again i didnt get who posted it, so im very sorry if it's your work or photo but i LOVE it & i will be taking inspiration from this to decorate my home....maybe christmas too or ya think that would be pushing it with the amount of decorations & colour we have in store's for these holiday's?? oh!!

Sarah xx

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