I so wish it was a scrapping job, BUT its a job ..a full time job, im so enthusiastic about this i havent had a full time job in donkeys yrs, been playing about with part times job's, but any how, its a job that i can do & hopefully they will love me??
I will be working with old people in a care home, i will be the chef's second hand & serving the resident's.
On filling out my application form, i rushed to do it because it had to be in on tuesday & it was monday!!!!!
So i grabbed a pen & started to fill it out at the home, i realised i needed to go home to finish it off, i found the same colour pen & got writing.
I just knew i stuffed it up there & then because the pen had different texture's you could so tell, i made so many spelling mistakes its unreal, i also didnt put down my school grades because im ashamed of them & would of explained that in the interview if they would of asked {but they never}
I was asked around 40 odds questions but only said "i didnt know" to just one, but willing to learn!! {phew} AND i they also asked me if i had worked in a kitchen before, {i guess my answers were right ones when they asked me them} So i just said "yes" without thinking ...i did not write that job down on the app form!!
Well they asked if i had any question's, i said no & then blurted out a few DUH ...so when will i know if i get the job & would i still know if im not chosen?? ..Yes on monday.
So im at home, sat on the toilet & my phone ring's, i dont normally take the phone to the toilet but i rushed in from the school run & needed to go!!!!
....ANYWAY its them & they are pleased to invite me to join thier team!!!
Go me!!!
HAPPY DAYS{{{hugs}}}
Sarah xx